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Manipulate is a game for the competitive among you, the deal makers, the deal breakers and the back stabbers...


 Build an Empire and amass power by manipulating your rivals


Build a Shady Empire

There are many types of Ventures which can earn you income and Power. Setting up Ventures costs the amount in the red bar. The black bar shows the extra income you will receive each turn and the red circle shows how far you progress along the Road to Power.

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Make deals

Successful people don’t make it to the top by playing nice. Make deals to make money. Make deals to get an edge. You can make almost any deal from loaning each other money at sky-scraping interest rates, to trading Ventures to agreeing ceasefires. Be creative with your deals.


Use your connections

Favours grant you the ability to attack other players and defend yourself by using your shady entourage. Steal Ventures out from under your rivals, run smear campaigns to reduce their Power or even give yourself a cash boost. Favours give you a host of exciting actions to play and in some instances can be bluffed to further manipulate other players.

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Hide your skeletons

They say the road to Power is paved with good intentions and some Favours offer a shadier path, but their use may come back to haunt you. If a Favour is illegal, like arms dealing or expenses fraud, (denoted by the skeleton symbol) playing this card will cause you to receive a "Skeleton" in your closet. These must be closely guarded as if uncovered, will cause you to lose Power, cash... or both.

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How Can I buy manipulate?



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Zatu Games

We have had an amazing review from Michael Wheatley at Zatu Games. We've included the overall score below and his concluding remarks. To see the full review, click here

Our review score from Zatu Games

Our review score from Zatu Games

Manipulate truly is extraordinary. What Walrus Ventures Ltd. have done with their game is provide a framework for players to run amok within. But even better, the game itself is surprisingly simple. Set-up takes only five minutes, with the board taking up little space compared to other games of its potential length. By trusting the players to embrace manipulation, the game succeeds in encouraging free thinking and improvisation.

In truth, I cannot remember having a more fun board gaming experience from the very first play-through in a long time. Manipulate asks ‘are you playing or being played?’. Having tested it multiple times I can now definitively answer. I am playing, and will be for a long time to come


The team at Muster (The Ultimate Social & Organisational App For All Tabletop Gamers) joined us for our Kickstarter launch event for drinks, nibbles and some gaming! To see the full review, click here


Manipulate uses some unique player incentives, alongside robust mechanics to tell a genuinely interesting story every game.


The Boardgamerbros, influencers, reviewers and photographers of modern board games were kind enough to play through our game a few months back now. To see the full review, click here


If you're looking for a new experience in modern boardgameing, with lots of awesome player interaction, this is for you!